A hit 3D-animated series created by Monty Oum, RWBY is an action-adventure show set in a world where people train to be warriors to protect their world from Grimm.

RWBY can be watched on Crunchyroll.com.

With its initial premiere in 2013, RWBY became a mainstay of RoosterTeeth’s animation line-up and became an international hit as the series progressed.

Yssa joined the project for Volume 9 as an episode director, where our main characters find themselves in a completely different world and desperate to find a way home.

Episodes Co-Directed

Ch. 6 - Confessions Within Cumulonimbus Clouds
Ch. 9 - A Tale Involving A Tree
Ch. 8 - Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble
Ch. 10 - Of Solitude and Self

Recorded By Arizal